Senin, 23 Maret 2009


The objective of instruction of comparative analysis in organising physical education and sport is to give the students a scientific theory and metodology concerning the subject, so that the students have the capability in mastering theories and also could be able in implementing, analysing carefully of symptoms that arise in some countries or societies as a consequence in implementing their systems of physical and sport.. The concept of physical education and sport as an integral part of the education system will be much bound at the system of education in each country. It’s different with sport that is not only conducted in educational scope but also in the society. There is no definition of comparative study and sport that will be accepted universally, but in general can be said that “comparative physical education and sport ” is a comparative analysis concerning characters and outstanding development concerning physical education and sport at two countries or more, as well as area, society and culture, in order to investigate about the differeces and the similarities.
Course outline
Instruction number
1. Idea and Meaning
2. Scope
3. History
4. Metodology
5. Physical education in the elementary school
6. Physical education in high school
7. Intramural and extramural in school
8. Physical education and sport in university
9. Professional preparation and coaching profession
10. Competition progam of international sport organisation
11. Amatuerism and professionalism
12. Sport for all activities in some countries
13. Rules, regulations or laws in physical education and sport.
14. Sport and politics
15. Sport and economy
16. Sport and mass media.
Required books.
1. Bennet, Bruce L., Howell, Maxwell L, and Simri, Uriel, Comparative Physical Education and Sport, Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1983.
2. H.M. Arifin, Ilmu Perbandingan Pendidikan, Jakarta: P.T. Golden Terayon, 1995.
3. Houlihan, Barrie, Sport, Policy and Politics, A Comparative Analysis, London and New York: Routledge, 1997.
Reference books.
1. Riordan, James, Sport in Soviet Society, Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
2. Van Dalen, Deobold B., and Bennet, Bruce L., A World History of Physical Education, Cultural, Philosophical , Comparative Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall, 1971.
3. Haag, Herbert, Kayser, Dietrich, and Bennet, Bruce L., (editor), Comparative Physical Education and Sport, Volume 4, Champaign, Ilinois : Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., 1987.
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